I have been busy this week! I am a social butterfly, y'all. Um, at least I think that's the term for it. Is that what you call someone who hasn't had lunch dates with friends for months and months and months and then in one week has three? No? Oh well. I guess you could just call me lucky then.
So in between working 2 mornings a week, being the mama, going to ball games, dealing with all of the end-of-school-year madness and my extremely busy social calendar (ahem) , I managed to refurbish some chairs my parents brought over.
I am sorry that I don't have before pictures. I was too AD/HD to take a before picture. I just jumped right in and started on them because I wanted to get them done by the time I had some girlfriends over for lunch on Friday (yesterday). Trust me, though, they needed some work. Structurally they were in good shape. A couple of joints needed regluing and that was about it. The shape of the chairs was pleasing and the wood was actually pretty, it just didn't really go in my house. I know it probably killed my dad a little that I painted them, but I had to do it. There are some pieces of wood furniture that I'd never paint, but these weren't on that list. The seats needed recovering. They were dirty and covered in a country-style fabric. Which would be okay if that's what you like. (Well, not the dirty part. I don't suppose anyone would want to keep dirty, dusty chair pads on their chairs, but you never know.) But country blue with small white hearts fabric isn't my style. Whattaya think?
So my spray paint cans and I had a zen-like experience and became one. And we were aided by this little tool:
My friends, if you do not have one and you are spray painting anything, you must run out NOW and get one. When I was in the spray paint aisle at JoAnn's, the nice addiction enabler lady there who was restocking the shelves, pointed these out to me. And like a true believer in the Sisterhood Of The Spray Paint, her eyes widened as she told me how it would turn your paint can into a spray gun. She grinned as she explained how it would give me better control. She winked when she told me I would be forever relieved of the dreaded Spray Paint Hand--the horrible malady that turns your hand into a claw and changes your trigger finger from flesh color to whatever color you are spraying. And they were priced at under $5.oo! She had me at "Can I help you," my friends, she had me at "Can I help you."
And now, this lovely chair and it's identical twin, have found a home in my kitchen. I lurrrrve them. Truly, I do. My friends made appropriate "oohs" and "ahhs" and other sweet murmurings when they came over for lunch. And I had to explain to them just how easy it really was. Recovering chairs is extraordinarily easy. It has to be or I wouldn't do it! And the painting? A snap with my newfound love. Thanks mom and dad for giving them to us! They look great at the table.
I still haven't let the kids sit on them. That may never happen--at least not until they get as much food in their mouths as they get on their laps.
***Oh, yes. You know the drill. Comments are broken. Please, please comment or contact me via email. I really love to hear from you! Thanks.
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