A few weeks ago, I was visiting my new BFF--Goodwill. No, we don't have regular conversations, at least two-sided ones, but we do have regular visits. I go at least once a week. And while the store doesn't speak to me in the regular sense of the word, it does call my name throughout the week: "Sara! Come in! Come in! You don't know what you might be missing." It is a siren call.
While I was there looking through the pictures and frames and shuffling through some puzzling ideas of what some consider art, I found this:
I loved it immediately. It was in a nice oak frame. The matting looked professional. But most of all, the picture inside the frame caught my attention. I loved it for it's simplicity. I loved it for it's subject matter--who doesn't enjoy Lilly of the Valley? Nobody, that's who! I loved that the colors would work perfectly in my family room. I loved that it was an original, signed and numbered by the artist from Champaign, Illinois--a town I know well. But mostly, I was diggin' on the price! $8.00, y'all. That felt like stealing!
I got it home, removed the insides and sanded down the frame. Then my sweet, sweet black can of spray paint and I got busy.
When my folks came over, my dad hung it. Then my mother coveted it. Sometimes when she does this, I might say, "Go ahead and take it." Not this time!! That baby is all mine. I get a silly little grin every time I see it. It was meant for that spot in my family room. And isn't that what art is supposed to do? Invoke feelings inside us? I realize that this picture isn't everybody's cup of tea, but that's what art is about too!
So now it looks like this:
I love it hanging there. And you never know, I might decide to give it to my mother someday. It's possible that she would be willing to make potato salad for me everyday for the rest of her life. Of course, that would mean my already sizable booty would get even more, um, sizable. I guess maybe the picture will stay where it is after all.
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