After a weekend of testosterone infused sports, I needed some girlie time. And I got it Sunday evening. It was an Estro-fest. My bestest girlfriends (minus one :( ) got together for a coffee-klatch.
Okay, it was more of a wine and dessert-klatch, but whatevah! We got together to celebrate a couple of us who have birthdays this month. A very handy excuse to see each other and consume calorie-laden desserts and laugh until our sides ache.
It is right about here that the water from the Jordan River comes in. One of my friends said, "Guess what I have in my purse?" and before any of us could answer, she placed a little bottle of water on the table. "Water! From the Jordan River!! That Jesus was in!! I want to give you all a blessing," she said. We freely accepted it and then laughed as we reflected on the idea of carrying around a little bottle of water in your purse and how this was a really completely unsurprising turn of events. This particular friend is absolutely like that. You cannot be surprised when she says "Guess what's in my purse?" and then proceeds to pull out a bottle of water from half-way around the world.
That is one of the joys of the friendships I have with these women--their completely different gifts and talents and personalities. They are all so very different from me, and yet I am completely drawn to them for that exact reason. What a wonderful thing!
These dear women have been steadfast in their friendship over the last 10 years. We have been through lots together and don't always get the chance to see each other as often as we'd like. You'd think that as our children age it would get easier, but it doesn't. We have to do some serious calendar finagling just to be able to spend a couple of hours every couple of months together. In fact, it's been a year since I've seen one of these dear ladies. And that is just wrong! You can bet that I will be working hard to remedy that situation!
We all became friends when we attended the same church nearly ten years ago. We all lived in a five mile radius of each other. Our kids were all nearly the same age. In almost ten years time, the church that we once attended ceased to exist and several of us have moved. So now we live in a 30 mile radius, and our children range in ages from college to pre-K and we all attend different churches.
Even so, our friendship has weathered all of this. And that, my friends, is a "God Thing." We try mightily to get together every couple of months, but it's very hard for the five of us to find one time when we can get together.
When the starts align and we are able to get together, the time is cherished. Hugs and news are passed around freely. Laughter is the order of the evening. Sore cheeks are a must. We catch up and it is like time hasn't passed.
I believe it is a very rare thing to find a circle of friends that you can count on without thinking twice. And that is what I have found in these ladies; women who have my back, women who can call my bluff and then catch me when I'm teetering on the edge of that bluff, women who have experienced some of the very things I'm experiencing, and women who never tire in their support and encouragement.
These ladies have given me kind words, fierce hugs, gentle admonishment, steady encouragement, and good chocolate. They have shared tears, laughter, anger, and wine. And the common thread through all of our days has been our shared love for a Savior who loves us more fiercely than we love each other. And that is saying something.
Until next time, my friends. It cannot come too quickly.
Botanical Art Round Up (Spring Decorating)
19 hours ago