Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Two Years

Apparently the date was so important to me that I missed it. Actually, what more likely happened was Daylight Saving Time with all it's promises of evening light and fun and all it's drudgery of weeks of waking in the darkness and body clock confusion.

It seems that two weeks ago, I had what some call my Blogiversary. Yep. It's true. I have been sitting at my computer keyboard and writing for two years. Well, not actually sitting around here for two years straight. Although I'm sure sometimes it feels that way to my family. (I'm sure my high school English teacher would have loved that sentence. Sorry Mrs. McVey! I really do know better. Sometimes it's just fun to write things for a humorous effect.)

Anyway! It's been two years of me writing about my children, my beloved, my scary neighbors, my ridiculous dog, my garden, my projects, my grocery list, bad song lyrics, and life in general. For two years I have lamented, groused, delighted, and vented here. I have shared pictures and recipes and failures and victories. Sometimes I haven't written anything. And through all of it, for some reason, you keep coming back to read.

I am a lucky girl. I am a grateful girl.

Thanks for sticking with me. Let's see how we do for another year, shall we?

Oh, and just in case no one has told you lately? Reader, you da bomb, baby!

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