This is what happens when you turn your back on the laundry for a couple of days.
Searching for a new strategy to get the laundry done, I tried the tactic that many two year olds employ-- If I Can't See It, It Doesn't Exist. I closed the door on the laundry room on Friday hoping that one of two things would happen: a) my appliances would spontaneously develop artificial intelligence and would then sort, wash, dry and fold the clothes or b) wee laundry fairies/elves would chance to spy an opportunity to aid a frail human and take it upon themselves to sort, wash, dry and fold the clothes.
Can you guess what happened? If you selected c) NEITHER!! then you win. You are much smarter than me.
When I opened the door to the laundry room, I discovered what truly happens when you close the door and turn out the lights. Your laundry behaves like hyper-hormonal teenagers and procreates!! I had Mt. Washmore upon my hands and being the daring adventurer I am, I scaled it. Now my washer and dryer are sitting exhausted and panting in the corner, cringing and whimpering if I come near them with even something as small as a sock and my bedroom floor is covered with piles of folded laundry.

Tomorrow I am sending the children to school in togas. Also? They will be going Commando.